Mysore Style Workshop
Date & Time TBA
A general introduction to Ashtanga yoga, geared specifically towards Mysore self-practice.
It is aimed at complete beginners to Ashtanga as well as students who have experience of led classes but would like to transition to self-practice.
Many people feel intimidated by the idea of Mysore self-practice classes – they may worry that they won’t remember anything or that the class is just for advanced students and they won’t be good enough.
But there is no need to worry! Mysore classes are mixed level classes suitable for beginners right through to advanced students.
Some background information on the Ashtanga system..
An overview of the Ashtanga sequence, explaining how it works, and how it is designed to be learnt.
Fundamental techniques and principles used throughout the Ashtanga sequence (breath, bandhas drishti, vinyasa) – so you understand what exactly it is you’re trying to do!
A look at the traditional opening and closing chants
A thorough breakdown of the sun salutations and finishing postures so you have the essentials to practice and build on.
An explanation of what happens in a Mysore class, what to expect.
Q&A with Herbal tea served.
By the end of the workshop you should feel fully confident to come along and give Mysore classes a go!!
Mysore classes allow for the students to develop their own self practice, learning and memorizing the sequence bit by bit, at a pace and level suitable for them.
The teacher will observe the students and keep an eye on their progress, giving them individual advice and encouragement, as well as physical and verbal adjustments.
The teacher will also ‘give’ the students new postures to work on as and when they are ready.
This method allows for practitioners of diverse levels and experience to be in the same class together, with each individual deeply focused on their own practice.